Day 5

We are now five days into our journey enter in closer relationship with God through prayer and fasting. In the natural you will be experiencing some degree of hunger pain some sense of a strong desire for what you're not fulfilling. Whether it be refraining from food or something else at this point it will become more and more evident to you that it has a stronger hold on you than you probably thought. Personally, I've noticed a greater sense of peace, and my mind appears to be quieting itself instead of a constant barrage of thoughts I find myself waiting to hear from the Holy Spirit listening for what God might have to say rather than having all my mind focused on what I have to do next. I am also experiencing ohh rather severe headache and I seem to be more tired then normal however all these things are to be expected, and we need to resolve ourselves that our desire to grow closer to the Lord through prayer and fasting Is worth the effort. I'd like you to remind you that it's worth the effort to journal your experiences and your prayer requests of God on this journey. Consecrate yourself for time of personal prayer in a quiet place. In the next day or so headaches and cravings should subside. In Matthew chapter 17 the disciples were unable to heal the demon possessed boy when his father brought him to Jesus. Jesus healed him. The disciples question Jesus as to why they were unable to do so his response to them was this kind comes out only by much prayer and fasting. I'm sure that all of us need God to move in our lives in certain areas or situations both physical and spiritual and we true recognize the need in our lives to seek the Lord with ardent fervent prayer and fasting.